之前也有買過中文版的RPG Maker,不過每次執行時都要放原版光碟,快被煩死了。
前一陣子因為某種原因,知道了有Game Maker 7這個免費的軟體(當然付費的功能會多一些 ^^ )
就下載來試試看,一樣沒做出什麼成品,倒是花了一點時間看了它的 tutorial ,算是練習英文吧。
A puzzle is static. A game is interactive.
A toy is interactive. But a game has goals.
Stories are linear. Games are not.
Traditional artforms play to a passive audience. Games require active participation.
So What Is a Game?
A game is a form of art in which participants, termed players, make decisions in order to manage resources through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal.
Game Maker 7(http://www.yoyogames.com/)
Note the distinction between "objects" and "instances" of those objects. An object defines a particular game object with its behavior (that is, reaction to events). Of this object there can be one or more instances in the game. These instances will act according to the defined behavior.
object : 定義object的行為(該object對事件的反應)
instances of those objects : 這些 object 可能會有一個或多個 instance
房間預設值 30(是1秒鐘的意思),所以如果Alerm 設定 50,就等於1又2/3秒
變數是 Case-Sensitive !
x : the x-coordinate of the instance
y : the y-coordinate of the instance
hspeed : the horizontal speed (in pixels per step)
vspeed : the vertical speed (in pixels per step)
direction : the current direction of motion in degrees (0-360; 0 is horizontally to the right)
speed : the current speed in this direction
visible : whether the object is visible (1) or invisible (0)
solid : whether the object is solid (1) or not solid (0)
depth : 深度
image_speed : 1(正常動畫播放) 0(停止動畫播放) 1.5(較快) 0.5(較慢)
image_xscale : 水平方向倍率
image_yscale : 垂直方向倍率
score : the current value of the score
lives : the current number of lives
mouse_x : x-position of the mouse
mouse_y : y-position of the mouse
room_speed : current speed of the room (in steps per second)
room_caption : caption shown in the window title
room_width : width of the room in pixels
room_height : height of the room in pixels
(還有很多很多其他的變數,可以在Game Maker 的 Documentation 裡找到)
使用自已的全域變數請以 global. 開頭 (global 加 . )
深度(depth)值愈高的會愈先被畫(也就是在比較低層),即 下層 <-- 高 -- depth -- 低 --> 上層(可以是負值)
Event 在 Other 裡有一個「Animation end」代表動態圖片跑完一輪後就......
可以用 invisible 的事件來控制物件(記得要將這個看不見的東西加入到room裡喔)
要插圖進去有 Draw 的事件...然後再加入 畫圖的 actions
png圖檔存入 Game Maker 的 spirits時,就失去透明度了,Game Maker會用該圖最"左下角"的顏色當成透明色。